Monday, December 11, 2006

I have launched a blog!

Dear Summer,

Since I should go to Mongolia next week, and you hate writing emails, we will not be able to continue our German lessons as much as we do now. Offline IM's are good, yet the information is easily lost. Therefore, I thought, launching a blog could be our best solution. You can post anything regarding to German language. I will try to answer it with my best wills.

I hope, you are still serious about learning German. And I am very happy with my role of teacher. As you said, learning language is endless process. So, teaching language must be endless as well. ( lol)

I would take care of this blog as long as you have interest in German, as long as I get a girlfriend. ( lol)

Before I go, I'll make this blog more informativ.

Enjoy learning German!

1 comment:

summer said...

First of all THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH for your beautiful work for me, for your friendship, for your time, for ur willingness to help me to learn German. I will do whatever it takes me to learn German. I am serious about learing German...and i want it last longer.

hmmm so, if you get girlfriend, u gonna disappear huh? then i don't want u to have a

joke, of course, u'll have a good one, a nice one, a smart and a beautiful one...